50Plus Activities

Fifth Avenue 50Plus Activity Centre, Salmon Arm

Welcome to the Fifth Avenue 50Plus Activity Centre


We are a local non-profit organization providing an activity centre for adults 50+. Enjoy enhanced social interactions through creative activities and volunteer positions within the centre. Annual Membership for calendar year $20 per person per year.

Join us for coffee, lunch, Tai Chi, yoga, bingo and so much more.

We also offer facility rentals! Join us at the 5th Avenue Activity Centre.

5th Avenue Seniors Activity Centre

5th Avenue 50Plus Activity Centre, Salmon Arm, BC

5th Avenue Seniors Activity Centre Meals

5th Avenue 55Plus Activity Centre Meals


2025 Memberships

2025 Memberships are still for sale and can be purchased from the office.  The cost of membership is $20 per person for the 2025 calendar year.

Estate Planning Session – Are you Ready to Downsize?

Saturday, March 29th from 10:30 am to Noon marks the last of our introductory sessions for Retirement “Next Stage” series.  This session deals with down-sizing with Cindy Derkaz from Royal LePage Access Real Estate.  $2 drop-in fee for members.  Sign up at the Centre.  Seating is limited to 30 for this session.

Pancake Breakfast

Please join us for the April Pancake Breakfast scheduled for Sunday, April 13th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  Cost is $12.00 per person.  Children aged 5 and under are free!

Federal Election

The Federal Election has been called for Monday, April 28th.  The Advance Poll will take place at the Centre on April 18th, April 19th, April 20th and April 21st.  Voting Day will also take place at the Centre on April 28th.

There will be no activities at the Centre on any of the above-dates.

Spring General Meeting

Due to the Federal Election and Advance Poll, the Spring General Meeting has been cancelled.


This month we celebrate the exercise groups:  Yoga, Zumba, Fitness

President’s Message

April Update

Happy Easter!  Another month full of wonderful reasons to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

I would like to congratulate our Volunteer of the Year recipient, Gwen Sirianni!

Pancake Breakfast – Please join us for the April Pancake Breakfast scheduled for Sunday, April 13th   from 8:00 am to 11:30 am.  Cost is $12.00 per person.  Children aged 5 and under are free.

Spring General Meeting – Be advised that due to the Federal Election, the Spring General Meeting has been cancelled.

April Calendar of Events


Annual Membership for calendar year: $20

Fifth Avenue 50Plus Activity Centre

Facility Rentals

We have a number of rooms available for rent, including a 2,300 sq. ft. rental hall, fully equipped commercial kitchen, a meeting room, and a casual dining room.

Of course! We offer affordable rental rates.